WATCH: SA's elections unlike any other country in Africa, says Tanzania's Kikwete

Picture: Noni Mokati

Picture: Noni Mokati

Published May 9, 2019


Johannesburg - International election observers continue to keep a close eye on the 2019 South African elections. 

After millions of citizens flocked to the polls on May 8, observers continued to assess various facilities across the country. One of these included the Electoral Commission's nerve centre, known as the ROC in Tshwane. 

IEC Commissioner Dr Nomsa Masuku on Thursday accompanied a delegation of African Union (AU) Observers led by former Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete around the centre. The group arrived in South Africa on April 29.

Kikwete spoke of his admiration of the election process saying he "felt" for the IEC officials as putting together an election was a mammoth task.

Former Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete in his capacity as an African Union observer pays a visit to the national Results Operations Centre in Pretoria. Picture: Siyabulela Duda/GCIS

 IEC Commissioner Dr Nomsa Masuku took a delegation of African Union observers on a tour of the election results centre in Tshwane. Video: Noni Mokati

Asked what his thoughts were on the running of the national centre, Kikwete said it could not be compared to other African countries.

African Union election observers tour the Independent Electoral Commission's results centre in Tshwane. Picture: Noni Mokati

Meanwhile, Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Lindiwe Sisulu was expected to visit the ROC on Thursday afternoon. Earlier in the day, she has been at the KZN results operations centre. 

IEC Commissioner Dr Nomsa Masuku takes a delegation of African Union observers around the election results nerve centre in Tshwane. Picture: Noni Mokati 


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