We are presenting eSwatini’s King Mswati a special gift, says EFF’s Makhunga

Picture: EFF/Facebook

Picture: EFF/Facebook

Published Apr 19, 2022


Kamagelo Moichela


Johannesburg - The Economic Freedom Fighters protested and blocked all the eSwatini borders in Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal on Tuesday in solidarity with the people of eSwatini.

Deputy President of the EFF in eSwatini Mthokozisi Makhunga said Tuesday is the birthday of King Mswati and they are giving him a gift, and they are there to suppress the economy that is sustaining the livelihood of the regime.

"We are in Oshoek Border today in collaboration with the EFF in closing the borders. Today is Mswati's birthday, so we are presenting him with a special gift. He is used to taking taxpayers' money which is collected through SAR (Sars) via the gates and spending it for his lavish lifestyle with his wives and kids," he said.

Talking to the media in Mpumalanga, EFF spokesperson Sinawo Thambo said they are in Mpumalanga to remove an oppressive regime.

"The Economic Freedom Fighters is here to support our brothers and sisters in eSwatini to ensure that the monarchy led by Mswati is removed, which is undemocratic and suppresses the political rights of the people of eSwatini and monopolises the wealth to his kingdom, children, and wives," he said.

He explained that they are there to apply continued pressure because there is never enough pressure that can be applied to remove the dictator.

"So we are calling for the democratisation of the political system in eSwatini, equal redistribution of eswatini to the people of eSwatini so that they can be able to live lives of dignity in which they are able to determine the political and economic trajectory of their country, " he stated.

Thambo mentioned that their presence at the border posts is to send a clear message to the king that they are not happy and will not celebrate the life of a murderer, someone who does not allow his people to practise their political rights freely.

He said the main reason for the EFF to interfere in matters of other countries is that they share the same problems as South Africa and to step aside as South Africa is naive and stupid.

"We were all dispossessed by colonial conquest, we were all made slaves, we were subjected to slave labour, our mineral wealth continues to be extracted, and we continue to be a junior in the global affairs political, economically, and otherwise," he said.

The President of the People's United Democratic Movement (Pudemo), Mlungisi Makhanya, said they appreciate the steps that the EFF has taken to block Mswati's border.

"We will never forget you, comrades. You have been with us from the first moment. As Pudemo we continue to be proud of the strong relationship between EFF and Pudemo," he said.

He further said their relationship does not only exist on paper or lip service.

"The EFF has demonstrated consistency over a period of time that when it comes to offering international solidarity, it walks the talk, it offers practical solidarity, and this is evident.

"We can never ever forget that when Mswati murdered 150 of our people, the first organisation that took decisive action was the EFF. We want to say to the President of the EFF CIC Sello Julius Malema, and the entire central command of the party and membership, we will continue to rely on you for practical solidarity," he added.

Furthermore, EFF Student Command President in eSwatini, Brutus Dlamini, encouraged all the young people to join and continue the fight until there is democracy in eSwatini.

"As young people of Swaziland, we are worried about what is happening in Swaziland. We have been brutalised for crying in one voice that we want Swaziland to be democratised," he said.

He called on young people to join forces and fight until eSwatini belongs to them.

Political Bureau