Whistle-blower willing to co-operate with Parliament's probe into Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula bribery claims

National Assembly Speaker Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula. Picture: Phando Jikelo/African News Agency(ANA) Archives

National Assembly Speaker Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula. Picture: Phando Jikelo/African News Agency(ANA) Archives

Published Sep 6, 2021


Johannesburg - A whistle-blower who prompted an investigation into National Assembly Speaker Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula's alleged soliciting of bribes has come forward expressing willingness to cooperate with the national legislature.

The whistle-blower had alleged that Mapisa-Nqaqula, while serving as defence minister, had demanded bribes.

The whistle-blower said it was awarded a defence contract in 2012 which did not involve the minister.

However, shortly after the tender was awarded, Mapisa-Nqakula allegedly demanded payments be made to her.

In one instance, the whistleblower said a cash payment of R400 000 was allegedly delivered to Mapisa-Nqakula's home in Bruma.

The whistle-blower also alleged that if there was no compliance with the former minister's demands for payments, then payments for contract work done were delayed deliberately by Mapisa-Nqakula.

The above allegations are contained in a statement drafted by the alleged whistle-blower and the law firm Molala Attorneys.

The whistle-blower has refused to reveal their identity but has now expressed willingness to work with Parliament.

The letter has been drafted for Parliament and is dated August 31.

This letter comes days after Parliament's standing committee on defence dropped its probe into Mapisa-Nqakula citing the fact that the whistle-blower failed to present evidence against her.

Co-chairpersons of the committee Elleck Nchabeleng and Cyril Xaba said there is nothing they could do but drop the investigation.

Xaba cited a lack of evidence as the reason behind the matter being dropped.

“They were given until the end of last month to look at the matters and make recommendations to this committee.

They tried to track down the whistle-blower who initially promised to make an affidavit and undertook to make oral presentations but on the last day of this committee he or she says the lawyer says he or she can only file an affidavit, which is less than what we have requested of him or her,” said Xaba.

Nombuso Molala, of Molala Attorneys, explained that her client had decided to draft a response to the 27 questions she was requested to answer in the form of a statement instead of an affidavit.

The client had also expressed concerns over these leaked questions.

"It is worthy of note that our client, as a victim of extortion, is still willing and committed to co-operate and assist the portfolio committee in its investigation of the matter," Molala said in the letter addressed to Parliament.

The statement states that the whistle-blower deemed the demands made by Mapisa-Nqakula as extortion but had no avenue for relief as she wielded power within the department of defence.

"Cash payments ranging from R100 000 to R500 000 from 16th to 25th February, 13 March, 18 May 2018 and between 22 May, 5 and July 2018 while travelling to Ghana are some of the dates and amounts the minister extorted from our client," the statement said.

The whistle-blower states other instances where the Speaker demanded payments and has expressed willingness to work with Parliament.


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