DiCaprio: Save the tigers

Actor Leonardo DiCaprio, the star of Titanic and Inception, has donated $1-million to a campaign for the conservation of tigers.

Actor Leonardo DiCaprio, the star of Titanic and Inception, has donated $1-million to a campaign for the conservation of tigers.

Published Nov 24, 2010


Los Angeles - Leonardo DiCaprio on Tuesday donated $1-million toward efforts to save tigers from extinction as he arrived in Moscow to take part in an international “tiger summit”.

The star of movies Titanic and Inception made the $1-million commitment to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), with whom he has been working this year on the Save Tigers Now campaign.

DiCaprio, 36, is a committed environmentalist and a WWF board member who recently visited Nepal and Bhutan and toured a tiger habitat by elephant with an anti-poaching staff.

According to wildlife experts just 3 200 tigers now live in the wild, down from 100 000 a century ago. Russia is hosting a 13-nation meeting in St Petersburg this week to try and double the world's wild tiger population by 2022.

DiCaprio is among those attending the first-ever tiger summit. The actor's first attempt to get to St Petersburg suffered a setback on Sunday when his commercial flight to Moscow was forced to return to New York after one of the plane's engines shut down.

DiCaprio “wishes to commend the actions of the pilot and flight crew in bringing the plane to a safe landing”, the actor's representative said in a statement.

DiCaprio's $1-million donation will help support anti-poaching efforts and protect critical tiger forests where the needs are most urgent.

“Illegal poaching of tigers for their parts and massive habitat loss due to palm oil, timber and paper production are driving this species to extinction,” he said. “If we don't take action now, one of the most iconic animals on our planet could be gone in just a few decades. By saving tigers, we can also protect some of our last remaining ancient forests and improve the lives of indigenous communities.”

The 13 countries where tigers still exist are Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Russia, Thailand and Vietnam. - Reuters

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