Finish and Klaar: The tangled web between Glenn Agliotti and Jackie Selebi

In South Africa's underworld, drug dealer Glenn Agliotti and former police commissioner Jackie Selebi formed an unlikely alliance. The death of Agliotti at the weekend brings to an end a dark chapter for South Africa. Pictures: ANA Pictures

In South Africa's underworld, drug dealer Glenn Agliotti and former police commissioner Jackie Selebi formed an unlikely alliance. The death of Agliotti at the weekend brings to an end a dark chapter for South Africa. Pictures: ANA Pictures

Published Jul 3, 2023


In the realms of South Africa's gritty underworld, names rise and fall, leaving indelible imprints.

Two such names — drug dealer Glenn Agliotti and former police commissioner Jackie Selebi — stand out for their infamous link, creating a disconcerting blur between the realms of crime and law enforcement.

Agliotti, known as “The Landlord” in South Africa's underworld, was a notorious drug trafficker who died at the weekend on the operating table of a Johannesburg hospital.

His empire, grounded in the illicit drug trade, had its tentacles spread across the nation. Selebi, on the other hand, was South Africa's top cop, a figurehead of justice who had also been the president of Interpol.

However, beneath the veneer of their professional lives, an unsettling alliance had formed.

The unlikely duo's relationship came to public scrutiny in 2006 when the Scorpions — the now disbanded crime-fighting unit — started investigating Selebi for corruption, fraud, racketeering, and defeating the ends of justice.

Central to these charges was his clandestine association with Agliotti.

Prosecutors presented compelling evidence that Agliotti had been paying Selebi substantial sums of money, suspected to be bribes.

Bank records, cellphone communication, and testimonies from various witnesses all indicated a dubious financial relationship between the pair. Agliotti himself confessed to making payments to Selebi, initially defending them as "loans" or "gifts" between friends.

In 2006, as pressure grew on Selebi to explain his links to Agliotti, he stunningly declared at a press conference: “Glenn Agliotti is my friend, finish and klaar”.

It was a statement that hung like an albatross around his neck until his death.

Agliotti's own legal battles during this time further entwined the two.

He was arrested for the murder of mining magnate Brett Kebble in 2005, a high-profile case that further spotlighted South Africa’s murky underworld, including Selebi.

Although he was controversially acquitted of the murder charges in 2010, his image as a ruthless player in South Africa's underworld was solidified.

While Agliotti dodged a life sentence, Selebi wasn't as fortunate. Selebi was found guilty of corruption in July 2010, with Judge Meyer Joffe noting that the disgraced former police commissioner had received at least R1.2 million in illicit payments from Agliotti.

He was dealt a harsh 15-year sentence, cementing his fall from grace. The court ruled that Selebi, through his complicity, had failed in his duty to uphold the law and fight organised crime, instead becoming embroiled in it.

The trial revealed a disconcerting bond between the drug dealer and the police chief — a corrupt relationship that seemed to revolve around mutual benefit and the trading of influence for financial gain.

Selebi was released on medical parole in 2012 after serving only 229 days of his prison sentence.

Selebi died in 2015 at a Pretoria hospital after succumbing to a long illness. He reportedly died with a mere R1,300 in his bank account.

The story of Agliotti and Selebi serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of unchecked power.

While Agliotti may have maintained a significant role in the South African underworld, it was Selebi's corruption that carried greater implications.

As police commissioner, his integrity should have been beyond reproach. Instead, his fall tarnished the reputation of the South African Police Service and highlighted the profound issues of trust within the country's justice system.

Both men’s legacies stand as symbols of a darker time in South Africa’s fight against crime. The conclusion of their relationship left in its wake a disgraced police commissioner and a notorious drug dealer who escaped the harshest of sentences.

While Agliotti and Selebi's saga has ended, the lessons it offers remain relevant. It is a cautionary tale about power, corruption, and the urgency for steadfast moral leadership in the pursuit of justice.

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