67 ways to help this Mandela Day: Give the KZN Transplant Sports Association a much-needed boost

File picture: Pexels/Pixabay

File picture: Pexels/Pixabay

Published Jul 18, 2020


KZN Transplant Sports Association (KZNTSA) is a province of the SA Transplant Sports Association (SATSA), a sporting NPO for athletes who have had life-saving solid organ or bone marrow transplants. 

Our athletes celebrate a second chance at a healthy life through our club, regional, national and international sporting achievements across a range of recognized sporting codes. Our members also give back to our communities via involvement in creating awareness about organ and tissue donation. This is done by participation at state and private levels with media interviews, talks and roadshows to other community organizations, hospitals, schools, religious organizations etc.

Under normal circumstances we participate in National Transplant Games, which serve as a pre-qualifying step towards National Team Selection and international participation as a SASCOC accredited Protea Athlete. 

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we have been forced to cancel our National Transplant Games in favour of potentially hosting Regional Transplant Games in October 2020 or January 2021 (lockdown conditions will determine when). 

Transplantees are high-risk vulnerable individuals and cannot afford to be exposed to this virus due to our suppressed immune systems. 

We hope nonetheless to plan and organize our Regional Games and need your help with 20 (Twenty) goodie bags and contents including t-shirts and caps. Alternatively funding. We are happy to collaborate with brand awareness should your wish to sponsor items.

To donate or find out more, contact KZNTSA on 084 571 2345 or send an email to irissamujh@gmail.com

* Find more organisations and worthy causes to support on Mandela Day:  https://www.iol.co.za/trends/mandeladay

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