Discarded documents not from SAPS dockets, police say

Documents found at the dump site. File picture

Documents found at the dump site. File picture

Published Apr 26, 2022


Cape Town - Police management says its investigation into the dumping of discarded documents and other materials near a site in Steenberg has revealed that none of the waste came from police dockets.

This comes after a Steenberg councillor sounded the alarm on what she called misconduct after important material and personal information was found at the dump site near the Steenberg police station.

Speaking to Weekend Argus, councillor Marita Petersen said what was found at the dump site should not have been there.

She said DNA samples, used rape kits, torn documents and personal information belonging to residents she knew were found at the site.

Documents found at the dump site. File picture

Petersen told the publication that she tried to bring this information to the attention of police, but was met with disdain.

“The colonel simply showed no interest in what I said and I explained that what happened is a gross violation of human rights. Waste like documents should be shredded,” she told Weekend Argus.

Police spokesperson Brigadier Novela Potelwa however said preliminary findings from an investigation had revealed that none of the discarded waste was from police dockets.

She said the ongoing investigation was being led by a senior detective from the provincial office, and that a sworn statement from Petersen, who made the discovery, was yet to be obtained.

“Part of what the investigation will look into, will be whether any SAPS (South African Police Service) directives on the disposal of waste material have been flouted. Further statements will be obtained from the Steenberg SAPS management and personnel,” Potelwa said.

“A plastic bag containing the discarded paper and other materials was seized on Monday afternoon(April 25, 2022) by the investigator in line with investigation protocols.

“The lot comprised unused gloves from state-issued investigation kits, hazardous waste material disposal bags, torn and crumpled paper as well as old documents,” she added.

Western Cape police commissioner Lieutenant General Thembisile Patekile said decisive action would be taken if anyone was found to have flouted police protocols on the disposal of waste material.

Patekile said once the investigation had been finalised, the outcome would be made public.
