Safe space to be launched in Ocean View in memory of children struck by stray bullets

An educational park is being erected in Ocean View in memory of Emaan Solomons, 7, Aqeel Davids, 9, and six-month-old Zhania Woodward who were all struck by stray bullets in the area. Photo: supplied

An educational park is being erected in Ocean View in memory of Emaan Solomons, 7, Aqeel Davids, 9, and six-month-old Zhania Woodward who were all struck by stray bullets in the area. Photo: supplied

Published Feb 1, 2022


Cape Town - A resident of Ocean View will be launching an educational safe space in the area in memory of three slain children who died after being struck by stray bullets.

Aslam Richards, a PR councillor for the Patriotic Alliance and director of the Cape Flats Wellness Centre, will be launching a newly refurbished and renovated educational playground for children in the area.

Richards said the safe space would be a gang-free zone.

Aslam Richards, resident, community worker and director of Cape Flats Wellness Centre, will be launching the safe space on Saturday. Photo: supplied

“I have spoken to the local gangs, and they have agreed to stay out of the parks. This safe space is because our children are playing on the street corners as gangs are selling drugs in the parks, and when there are shootings, those same children get caught in the crossfire,” he said.

The safe space is dedicated to three children known as Ocean View’s angels.

Emaan Solomons, 7, Aqeel Davids, 9, and six-month-old Zhania Woodward all died after being struck by a stray bullet in the area.

Baby Zhania was struck by a stray bullet in the head while sitting on her father’s lap in Carnation Road on December 30, 2016.

Baby Zahnia and mother Cindy Woodward. File Picture

Aqeel was shot in the head on September 9, 2017, when two men ran into his grandmother’s home seeking refuge as rival gang members were chasing and firing at them.

The boy was struck while standing in the kitchen.

A further eight people were also shot during this incident, including Aqeel’s aunt and uncle.

Emaan was shot on February 25, 2020, while playing outside her family home in Libra Street when she was struck in the chest and hand.

She died upon arrival at False Bay Hospital.

On Tuesday, Richards said the safe space is located right next to where Emaan resided - Libra Street.

Slain Emaan Solomons was only seven years old. File Picture: Facebook

“Parks need to be made a safe space for children of our community. Daycare centres will be able to bring their children down to the park to play. Parents who don’t have space, can come spend time with their children in the park.

“The idea is for people to have family time outside of the house, and the community is happy about the launch of this safe space,” Richards told IOL.

The park, which was donated by Capital Glow, will be fully equipped with three slides, swings, a jungle gym and a ramp.

A local artist will also be painting a mural of Zhania, Emaan and Aqeel together to celebrate their lives.

Children's characters, the alphabet, numbers and all emergency numbers will also be painted on the walls to ensure children are also learning as they play.

Nine-year-old Aqeel Davids. File Photo: Cindy Waxa/ANA

“We want to have parents come out to the park with their children so they can see there is a safe space outside to spend time with their children and that it is indeed safe,” Richards added.

Zhania’s mother, Cindy Woodward, 25, was overwhelmed with emotion at the news.

“As time goes on, people tend to forget and move on with their lives, but they forget about the grief that the families live with forever.

“The feeling I got when Aslam Richards approached myself and my husband with this idea was indescribable because he showed me that Zahnia, Aqeel and Emaan will not be forgotten no matter how much time passes,” she said.

Woodward explained the safe space is an excellent way of keeping children safe as well as entertained as there aren’t many things for children to do in Ocean View.

“It also gives the sense that there are actually people who care about the children in the community as well as their safety.

“The work that they are doing and all the effort that was put into this park is amazing,” she added.

The launch takes place on Saturday, February 5, from 10am at the park, and visitors can expect some entertainment from a DJ, dancers, rappers and more.