Biden leads in battleground Wisconsin as Trump talks recount

Election officials Sharon Krewson and Donna Nicolazzi unpack blue bags containing ballots after Election Day at the Kenosha Municipal Building in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Picture: Daniel Acker/Reuters

Election officials Sharon Krewson and Donna Nicolazzi unpack blue bags containing ballots after Election Day at the Kenosha Municipal Building in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Picture: Daniel Acker/Reuters

Published Nov 4, 2020


By Trevor Hunnicutt and Jeff Mason

Wilmington, Delaware/Washington - Democrat Joe Biden held a narrow lead in Wisconsin on Wednesday after officials completed their vote count in the pivotal state, a major boost in his quest to win the US presidency from Donald Trump despite the Republican incumbent's false claim of victory and unsubstantiated allegations of electoral fraud.

Biden also led in another critical Midwestern battleground state - Michigan - as he and Trump raced to get to the 270 electoral votes in the state-by-state Electoral College needed to win the White House. Trump won Wisconsin and Michigan in his 2016 election victory.

Wisconsin officials finished their tally at around midday after an all-night effort, showing Biden with a lead of just over 20 000 votes, or 0.6%, according to Edison Research. The Trump campaign immediately said it would seek a recount, which is permitted under state law when the margin is below 1%.

A Biden victory in Wisconsin would significantly narrow Trump's path to a second four-year term, though the outcome remained in doubt with Michigan and other closely contested states including Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia and North Carolina still counting votes.

Trump led in the two Southern states, Georgia and North Carolina, as well as in Pennsylvania, where more than 1 million ballots were yet to be processed. But if Trump loses Wisconsin, he would have to win all three as well as either Arizona or Nevada, where Biden was leading in the latest vote counts.

At the moment, not including Wisconsin, Biden leads Trump 227 to 213 in Electoral College votes, which are largely based on a state's population.

In duelling conference calls with reporters earlier on Wednesday, officials from each campaign insisted their candidate would prevail.

"If we count all legal ballots, we win," Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien said, potentially setting the stage for post-election litigation over the counting of mail-in ballots.

Biden campaign manager Jennifer O'Malley Dillon told reporters the former vice president was on track to win the election, while senior legal adviser Bob Bauer said there were no grounds for Trump to invalidate lawfully cast ballots.

"We're going to defend this vote, the vote by which Joe Biden has been elected to the presidency," said Bauer, adding that the campaign's legal team was prepared for any challenge.

Biden was expected to deliver an address later on Wednesday.

Trump continued to make baseless attacks on the vote-counting process on Twitter on Wednesday, hours after he appeared at the White House and declared victory in an election that was far from decided. Both Facebook and Twitter flagged multiple posts from the president for promoting misleading claims.

"We were getting ready to win this election. Frankly, we did win this election," Trump said before launching an extraordinary attack on the electoral process by a sitting president. "This is a major fraud on our nation. We want the law to be used in a proper manner. So we'll be going to the U.S. Supreme Court. We want all voting to stop."

Trump provided no evidence to back up his claim of fraud and did not explain how he would fight the results at the Supreme Court, which does not hear direct challenges.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 4, 2020

Voting concluded as scheduled on Tuesday night, but many states routinely take days to finish counting ballots.

The uncertainty only added to the anxiety many Americans were feeling following a vitriolic campaign that unfolded amid a pandemic that has killed more than 231,000 Americans and left millions more jobless. The country has also grappled with months of unrest involving protests over racism and police brutality.

Jeff Brower, 48, a registered independent in Atlanta, stayed up past midnight fretting about the vote count in Georgia, where officials are still tallying ballots.

"I woke up feeling as anxious as ever," said Brower, who owns a general contracting business and voted for Biden. "This election is crucial to the future of America."


In the nationwide popular vote, Biden on Wednesday was comfortably ahead of Trump, with 2.6 million more votes. Trump won the 2016 election over Democrat Hillary Clinton after winning crucial battleground states even though she drew about 3 million more votes nationwide.

Biden's hopes of a decisive early victory were dashed on Tuesday evening when Trump won the battlegrounds of Florida, Ohio and Texas.

Biden led in Arizona, a battleground state with a high Latino population, which would make him only the second Democratic presidential candidate to win the state in 72 years. Trump won the state in 2016.

In Pennsylvania, officials said they were slowly working their way through millions of mail-in ballots, which were seen as likely to benefit Biden. Across the state, there were about twice as many ballots left to count in counties that backed Hillary Clinton in 2016 than in the counties won that year by Trump.

"The delay that we're seeing is a sign that the system is working," Democratic Governor Tom Wolf said at a news conference.

In Michigan, where officials said they expected to finish counting by day's end, Biden was ahead by 30,000 votes out of more than 5 million ballots by midday.

Among other undecided states, Nevada does not expect to update its vote count until Thursday, state officials said.


It was not clear what Trump meant by saying overnight that he would ask the Supreme Court to halt "voting." The high court does not hear direct challenges but instead reviews cases that have worked their way up from lower courts.

However, legal experts have said the election outcome could get bogged down in state-by-state litigation over a host of issues, including whether states can include late-arriving ballots that were mailed by Election Day.

Even before Tuesday, the 2020 campaign saw a historic number of lawsuits across dozens of states, as the pandemic forced election officials to prepare for an election like no other. Both campaigns have marshaled teams of lawyers in preparation for any disputes.

The Supreme Court previously allowed Pennsylvania to move forward with a plan to count ballots mailed by Election Day that arrive up to three days later, but some conservative justices suggested they would be willing to reconsider the matter. State officials planned to segregate those ballots as a precaution.

Ahead of the election, Trump had said he wanted his latest U.S. Supreme Court appointee, Amy Coney Barrett, confirmed by the Senate in case the court had to hear any electoral dispute. Democrats had criticized the president for appearing to suggest he expected Barrett to rule in his favor.

Trump has repeatedly said without evidence that widespread mail-in voting will lead to fraud, although U.S. election experts say fraud is very rare.

The election will also decide which party controls the U.S. Congress for the next two years, and the Democratic drive to win control of the Senate appeared to be falling short. Democrats had flipped two Republican-held seats while losing one of their own, and six other races remained undecided - Alaska, Maine, Michigan, North Carolina and two in Georgia.

Trump's strong performance in Florida, a must-win state for his re-election, was powered by his improved numbers with Latinos.

Edison's national exit poll showed that while Biden led Trump among nonwhite voters, Trump received a slightly higher proportion of the nonwhite votes than he did in 2016. The poll showed that about 11% of African Americans, 31% of Hispanics and 30% of Asian Americans voted for Trump, up 3 percentage points from 2016 in all three groups.