20twenty option a real hit

Published Aug 6, 2001


20twenty - the virtual banking arm of Saambou - which was launched two weeks ago is snowed under by demand from consumers wanting to open bank accounts.

Christo Davel, chief executive of 20twenty Financial Services, says customers are signing up at the rate of 500 a day.To cope with the huge demand, the bank has added more bandwidth allow faster online connection and to allow more computer users access to the site at a single time. New staff are being employed and the training of existing staff is being fast tracked.

The bank currently offers an all-in-one transaction account with a credit facility linked to MasterCard branded card which can be used at any ATM around the world and can be used to make purchases locally and abroad.

Next to be launched will be a garage card to be followed by home loans and possibly business accounts.

Click here to go to the 20twenty website.

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