African Bank tutors money matters

Published Mar 18, 2001


African Bank has launched a Money School, a consumer education campaign for company employees.

The Money School provides basic financial education to employees of corporate clients, at no cost to the employer.

"Our aim is to facilitate a process which allows consumers to gain a broad understanding of financial matters and how these affect their lives," Leon Kirkinis, the managing director of African Bank, says.

"We believe the knowledge gained during this programme will be used to achieve greater financial security."

The programme involves a full-day workshop consisting of a number of modules. These include personal money management, budgeting, saving, debt control, loans and interest rates.

The training has been extended to include African Bank branch representatives.

African Bank Money School operates throughout South Africa and employs 18 staff members - two managers at central office and 16 training and education officers in the regions. The school has already trained over 4 500 people and hopes to reach approximately 40 000 people with its programme this year.

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