FNB launches free SMS/e-mail service

Published Oct 7, 2002


First National Bank (FNB) has launched inContact, a free SMS and e-mail-based messaging service, which enables FNB customers to keep in touch with all transactions taking place on their accounts.

The service helps clients monitor potential fraud on their accounts, as well as receive confirmation of deposits, in-store purchases, withdrawals, transfers and debit orders.

"The inContact system is helpful for clients who wish to track transactions on their accounts, such as on linked credit cards," says Rowan Suchard, a project manager at FNB. "It can also be an important fraud prevention tool, as customers receive early notification of unauthorised transactions."

Customers can choose whether to receive messages 24 hours a day or just during office hours and whether they only want to be notified if a transaction exceeds a specific amount.

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