Myburgh joins office of banking adjudicator

Published Mar 3, 2002


Advocate John Myburgh has been appointed chairperson of the Commission of the Office of the Banking Adjudicator.

This eight-person commission appoints the banking adjudicator and can appoint an acting banking adjudicator if necessary.

The primary function of the commission is to make sure the office remains independent and impartial in its decisions.

The banking adjudicator handles disputes between customers and banks.

The commission also oversees the terms of reference and the rules of procedure that govern the activities of the office.

It can also make recommendations to the Banking Council of South Africa.

The rules that govern this office requires that a judge or retired judge must be appointed to this post.

Advocate Myburgh's appointment became effective on December 13 last year.

He is a former judge of the High Court of South Africa and currently a senior advocate at the Johannesburg Bar.

If you have a dispute with your bank and have not been able to sort it out, you can contact Banking Adjudicator Neville Mellville on telephone (011) 838 0035 or fax number (011) 838 0043.

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