Focus on collaborative solutions for tackling crime in Tshwane

MMC for Community Safety, Grandi Theunissen. Picture: Jacques Naude / Independent Newspapers

MMC for Community Safety, Grandi Theunissen. Picture: Jacques Naude / Independent Newspapers

Published Sep 19, 2024


The Tshwane Tourism Association and the City of Tshwane have joined hands to focus on solutions for tackling crime threatening the lives of people and operations of businesses in the capital city.

Both parties believe the problem of crime is well-documented and that it is about time to implement solutions instead of complaining.

During their interactions this week, they looked at measures to strengthen their collaboration with a view to enhance safety and security across all regions of Tshwane.

Speaking on behalf of the association, Susan Marais, said both corporate companies and the City have good working relationships and were willing to contribute towards making a capital city a safer place.

“We are going to do that through relationships between all these parties and on a practical level with technology. We have some of the best technology in the industry and we will use that to make our people very much safer,” she said.

She said the focus was on three specific areas, which include families, staff in companies and our visitors.

“We are focusing on the solution. We have a safety app on your phone; you press the button and someone comes to help,” she said.

MMC for Community Safety, Grandi Theunissen, said the discussions between parties were aimed at improving safety and security for residents, tourists and businesses.

“Our goal is to make Tshwane one of the safest and most attractive tourist destinations,”he said.

According to him, improved safety will in turn attract more tourists to the city.

“A safer city encourages more visitors, which helps stimulate local economic activity and promotes job creation for our residents. Ensuring that tourists feel safe while enjoying Tshwane’s attractions is central to the City’s long-term strategy for growth and prosperity,”he said.

Theunissen said further discussions will continue in the future to refine these initiatives and ensure smooth implementation.

“These discussions reflect a shared commitment to creating a safer, more welcoming environment, which will ultimately boost tourism, enhance economic growth and create job opportunities,” he said.

Parties, he said, are following a community-based policing approach which will allow law enforcement agencies to take hands with tourists, businesses, residents and private security companies.

“We encourage continued cooperation and support from the community in our efforts to create a safer and more prosperous city for everyone. Enhanced safety measures will not only benefit tourists to the city, but also improve the quality of life of our residents, contributing to a thriving local economy,” he said.

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