Statement of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, South Africa, on the Martyrdom of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. Picture: Supplied

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. Picture: Supplied

Published Sep 30, 2024


The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in South Africa expresses its heartfelt condolences to the heroic nation of Lebanon, the honourable Resistance of Palestine, and all the free peoples of the world on the martyrdom of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the courageous and steadfast leader of Hezbollah.

His martyrdom, after decades of leading the Resistance and fighting against oppression and occupation in Lebanon, marks a new chapter in the history of resistance across the region, where his pure blood and that of other martyrs will light the way to a brighter future.

For over three decades, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah played an unparalleled role in guiding the Lebanese Resistance and directly contributing to the fight against the Zionist regime. His name will forever be remembered in the history, not only as a leader but as a symbol of the struggle for the liberation of Palestine and the defence of oppressed nations, especially the proud people of Palestine. His martyrdom will not weaken the Resistance; instead, it will serve as a beacon, further igniting the resolve of all who fight for justice and freedom.

The Islamic Republic of Iran, as a steadfast supporter of the Lebanese Resistance and the Palestinian people, will continue to stand by this just struggle. Our unwavering support will persist in strengthening the Resistance and securing the rights of the oppressed people of Palestine and Lebanon. This enduring commitment is deeply rooted in Iran's belief in the righteousness of the struggle for the liberation of Palestine and the confrontation of the aggressive Zionist regime.

We strongly condemn the barbaric actions of the Zionist regime, which, particularly over the past year, have escalated with increasing cruelty and aggression against innocent people in Lebanon, and the occupied territories of Palestine. These actions are not signs of the regime’s strength but are clear indicators of its growing desperation and inevitable demise. The more violent and brutal its measures become, the more it reveals the fragility of its foundations. The systematic targeting of Resistance leaders and civilians alike will only hasten the collapse of this unjust entity, as history has shown that the blood of martyrs will strengthen the will of those who fight for freedom and justice.

In this critical moment, we reaffirm our complete solidarity with the Lebanese Resistance, the Palestinian people, and all Resistance groups across the region. We view the martyrdom of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah as another step toward the divine promise of the victory of the oppressed over the oppressors. His sacrifice will strengthen the path of Resistance, which will continue with unwavering determination until the full liberation of occupied lands and the freedom of oppressed nations.

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