Letter from the editor

Published Aug 11, 2020


On these two pages you’ll see stories of triumph over difficult situations but you’ll also see talented women flourishing, bringing their own essence of power to the table and getting results.

The pages are full of so many truths and insights from these incredible women. Please do take the time to read these stories, I guarantee you, you will leave inspired, uplifted and wiser.

Our writer, Bonny Fourie, was so impressed by these stories that she showed them to her daughters as an illustration of what they could aspire to.

Women in property: Zeenat Ghoor

Women in property: Alex Horne

Women in property: Gugu Sithole-Ngobese

Women in property: Nonhlanhla Mayisela

Women in property: Vuyiswa Mutshekwane

There are quotes here that could become slogans to help women rise up. It is 2020 and there are still barriers – external and internal – that keep women out of important aspects in the property world.

It is certainly time for a perspective shift and, as one of our interviewees says, it is not only men and the boychild who need to be shown a new way but also women and girls.

We are in this together, so let’s build the bridges and show how the property world can lead the way with strong and compassionate – in their own ways – women and men leading the way. It’s so last century to suppress anyone’s shine – including our own.

Happy Women’s Day

Vivian Warby


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