Taking advantage of the climate

Published Aug 18, 2020


◆Determine your strategy and

goals: do your due diligence and educate

yourself. Rather than listening to various

sources, find a trustworthy source of information

and stick to your plan.

Know your “why”. If you are purely investing

for quick gains, then the property market might

not be for you.

We need to take a long-term view to the market

and be realistic about the returns in the short,

medium and long term.

◆Be prepared for change: it is important to

continuously revisit your goals and strategies.

As we grow older, our appetite for risk changes,

as does our finance independence.

◆Negotiate carefully: when negotiating, factor in

every cost. Our levies are, on average, R1 500,

a proportionally high cost often forgotten when

evaluating a property.

Our interest rates will change, the market will

change. Insurance is needed, bond and transfer

costs are to be factored in and even the cost

of eviction.

Eviction is an expensive and laborious process,

so be sure to factor in a monthly fee using a

trusted service provider.

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