ANC and EFF are biggest losers in the elections

The EFF performed dismally in the 2024 general elections. Photographer Ayanda Ndamane /Independent Newspapers

The EFF performed dismally in the 2024 general elections. Photographer Ayanda Ndamane /Independent Newspapers

Published May 31, 2024


The EFF dreams of becoming the main opposition party in the 7th administration has been shattered by the electorate.

The party have performed dismally in the 2024 general elections.

As it stands the party ranks at number four with the newly established political party uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) being the third largest opposition party in the country.

Political analyst Rekgotsofetse Chikane said the EFF was the second-biggest loser in the election, while governing ANC was the biggest loser.

Chikane said the EFF came into the election confident of becoming the official opposition party, believing that they would topple the DA as the official opposition.

“The EFF came in as an alternative party which would resonate with young people and would resonate with those who are fed up with the ANC and didn’t want to vote for the ANC would vote for them as the alternative.

“The party really wanted to be the voice of the marginalised, the poor and the voiceless; coming into these elections they realise the constituency really wants to vote for someone else,” the political analyst said.

Chikane said the EFF’s lunch had been eaten in KwaZulu-Natal, meaning that the MK Party had eaten its support.

He further said the party had thought it would get its biggest support in KZN.

“The silver lining the EFF would be really holding on at this point, would be bouncing back from the metros, in particular, and they must hope that the MK will plateau with their voter increase as the metro votes come in.

“I think the EFF would ask itself how they going to make inroads. At this point the EFF and MK are right on track and are toe-to-toe with each other.

“EFF would be looking for an extra 400 000 votes in the metros to get them in that 1 million mark”.

Chikane said the EFF had reached a ceiling when it came to attracting young voters, adding that by the time young people reach the age of 28, they realise that they can’vote for the EFF.

“The EFF has a comparative advantage when it comes to other parties, because they are able to get young voters on mass; not many political parties have the strength of the EFF to mobilise young people.

“The real question facing the EFF is how are they holding that grouping as they get older, (and) how (are changing their policies) to speak to young working South Africans.”

Chikane added that the red berets would learn from this election how to mature and expand its base and also finding out where one’s base was.

Saturday Star