#aTypicalInterview: Boss Babe Kovini Moodley on her admiration for Bonang Matheba



Published Aug 13, 2022


Johannesburg - This week we feature change activist, chartered accountant and founder of women empowerment platform Boss Babes, Kovini Moodley.

Moodley, who hails from Durban, is also a motivational and public speaker who focuses on inspiring progressive conversations around authenticity, passion and purpose.

She is also a mental health advocate and is committed to creating greater awareness and de-stigmatising the concept around it.

Moodley has been nominated for numerous professional awards. Her career expands over 10 years, working for many prestigious and significant JSE listed companies.

Change activist, chartered accountant and founder of women empowerment platform Boss Babes, Kovini Moodley. Supplied image.

You are able to spend the day with any well-known female around the world learning her trade. Who do you choose to spend the day with and why...?

Oprah Winfrey, is an iconic woman who I have revered for many years. She is the perfect example of being able to turn pain into power through her experience, leadership and authenticity. I would love to learn how to leverage my deepest purpose and leverage it for the betterment of society. Oprah is a self-made woman of colour and I would love to learn her tips and techniques as a leader within the media industry.

Your favourite item of clothing in your closet currently is...?

My hot pink suit, it naturally inspires me to shine and be the brightest, boldest version of myself and exudes confidence on all levels. It's the perfect fashion pick me up!

Change activist, chartered accountant and founder of women empowerment platform Boss Babes, Kovini Moodley. Supplied image.

The most inspirational woman in your life is...?

There are many women who inspire, motivate and celebrate my existence on a daily basis. I'm deeply inspired by my mother who sacrificed so much to ensure my success in my earlier days such as cooking nutritious home cooked meals, encouraging and supporting me through the ups and downs of my professional career to date.

She is the epitome of kindness and live and inspires me to be the very best version of myself. She's my biggest cheerleader, especially when life gets challenging.

The biggest challenge that you face as a female in South Africa is...?

Females are often undermined and have to fight both the impact syndrome and often have to fight for seats at tables and for their voices to be heard.

Whilst we have made significant strides in South Africa, gender-based violence remains a war against women. We need to stand up unite and fight against this pandemic, it has the ability to damage economic sustainability in the long-term scenario and needs to be given serious priority to ensure that women are protected, respected and valued.

Change activist, chartered accountant and founder of women empowerment platform Boss Babes, Kovini Moodley. Supplied image.

The biggest misconception people have of you is...?

That Boss Babes is my full-time venture. The truth is that I have an eight to five corporate job. I believe that as women we can fill our lives with various activities that add value to ourselves and our environments. It's all about living your best life.

You are asked to run South Africa for a month. What is the first thing you would address?

Employment and gender based violence will take priority, by addressing these two matters will allow us to set a solid foundation for future and current generations of South Africans. Supporting small businesses are key to addressing unemployment in South Africa.

We need harsher stronger penalties for abuse, rape and femicide in South Africa. Living in the rape and murder capital of the world is a sad and sorry state of affairs and not a true testament towards our past leaders that have fought to attain democracy.

Your favourite cheat meal is...?

Definitely KFC with extra mash and gravy! It's an absolute treat!

Which inspirational South African women has caught your attention this year and why?

Definitely Bonang Matheba. I've always admired her work ethic and she is fantastic during interviews in a way that inspires change.

We have had many South Africans who have made us exceptionally proud to be a woman in the SA context such as Our Miss South Africa, Lalele Mswane and Nomzamo Mbatha who is a Change Activist and force for good!

Your definition of a woman is...?

Whatever she wants to be, women should be free to live their lives that are aligned with purpose and passion. Women need to invest in themselves, support each other and celebrate their achievements.

We are so much stronger when we choose to empower each other instead of tearing each other down. True confidence inspires us to be Authentic Women and shine our light!

How would you like to be remembered?

Making a difference and impact gives me great joy, to be able to inspire and impact on a daily basis utilising social media as a channel allows me to utilise my voice and drive transformative change through relatable, relevant and barrier breaking content.