Rise Mzansi Zibi heads to parly and Ramokgopa secures GP Legislature seat

RISE Mzansi leader, Songezo Zibi gears up for parliamentary seat, while Vuyiswa Ramokgopa’s seat is reserved for Gauteng Legislature. Picture: Timothy Bernard / Independent Newspapers.

RISE Mzansi leader, Songezo Zibi gears up for parliamentary seat, while Vuyiswa Ramokgopa’s seat is reserved for Gauteng Legislature. Picture: Timothy Bernard / Independent Newspapers.

Published Jun 7, 2024


The new kid on the block, Rise Mzansi has sent its leader Songezo Zibi and Chief Organiser, Makashule Gana to the National Assembly.

This follows Chief Justice Raymond Zondo receiving the list of names of members who will take up seats in the National Assembly and Provincial Legislature on Thursday, at the Constitutional Court in Braamfontein.

For a rookie party, Rise Mzansi managed to score 0,42% in the national ballot with 128 528 votes, securing two seats in parliament.

In Gauteng, it bagged a 0.98% for the provincial legislature, lagging behind the Patriotic Alliance, which scored 2.03%, reserving two seats. Therefore, Vuyiswa Ramokgopa, who was running for Gauteng premiership, will occupy the provincial legislature.

Rise Mzansi deputy national chairperson, Cilna Steyn stated that adding new faces in the National Assembly is an optimistic change and is politically progressive as new blood brings forth new solutions and ideas to South Africa's political landscape.

"Rise Mzansi's new leaders are ready to serve the people of South Africa. Our party is excited to send new leaders, who will add seriousness, optimism and bring solutions to these legislative houses," said Steyn.

With the vote rigging allegations hounding the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC), Steyn noted that their representatives were overseen by the Commission.

Meanwhile, the ANC leading with the national majority vote, President Cyril Ramaphosa announced on Thursday night that the country will be heading to a Government of National Unity. Thus, Steyn indicated Rise Mzansi is open to coalitions, however, willing parties must stand on ethical ground and adhere to the rule of law.

"We wish to reiterate that we urge all parties involved to set aside narrow political interests and do their best to ensure that coalition arrangements serve the interests and wellbeing of South Africans.

"We will vigorously oppose any coalition government that includes political parties that have declared war on the Constitution and the rule of law, and general order in society.

"When the National Assembly and Gauteng provincial legislature elect office bearers, we will make a definitive assessment of the the people and the parties put forward, but as a non-negotiable, the individuals and the parties must be committed to the Constitution and suitably qualified to dispense of the respective duties and responsibilities for them to have the support of Rise Mzansi," said Steyn.

In the coming weeks, Steyn said Rise Mzansi will host Citizens' Assemblies, as per the People's Contact. "...So that South Africans can express what they expect of Rise Mzansi's representatives of the people, who will represent all communities not just those who voted for us," said Steyn.

The Star
