Skin expert shares her journey of giving people a glow

BOITUMELO Buthelezi, a skin specialist at Skin of Colour Laboratory

BOITUMELO Buthelezi, a skin specialist at Skin of Colour Laboratory

Published Dec 23, 2023


Boitumelo Buthelezi, a skin specialist at the Skin of Colour Laboratory, shares valuable information on her journey of discovering her passion for aesthetics, healing and beauty.

Buthelezi has been a beacon of hope to many of those who have struggled with their skin and has quite a story to tell about changing people’s lives through her work.

Having worked and explored beauty under the supervision of other experts, Buthelezi said in 2022 she decided to take a leap of faith, and that is when the laboratory was born.

“While I was there, I knew I wanted to work and educate the people of colour. I wanted to educate them on how to take care of their skin. And that’s when I was told that one day I’d own a company called Skin of Colour. And I took it lightly. I went to work for another doctor who was very prominent. After a while, I realised that I had hit the mark in working for other people. And Skin of Colour Laboratory was born. In November 2022, I decided to take a leap of faith. But along the way, I realised the need to not only give a glow, but to have longevity in health.”

“That is what the Skin of Colour Laboratory is all about; t is about wellness; it is about healing,” she said.

Asked how her journey has been, she said: “Being employed and having your own business are two different things. It will test you; it will show you grace. But here I am, and I am reminded why I started. So that when I face an obstacle or challenge, I remember why. And then that makes me go ahead. I have seen grace throughout the year.”

She said her meetings with clients are more than just about treatments; they are a free-spirited space where they can express themselves.

The greatest satisfaction, according to her, comes from witnessing her clients’ improved skin and hearing favourable feedback about her job.

She stresses that people should take extra caution about what products they use on their skin.

“It is something that we need to look into in 2024. To have Instagram conversations and online conversations with people on how to take care of their skin. Seek advice from a professional on what product you can use and what supplements to take. And the importance of always having sunscreen.”

Saturday Star