#ZumaResponds: Disbelief at Zuma's 'what have I done' comment

SA President Jacob Zuma

SA President Jacob Zuma

Published Feb 14, 2018


DURBAN - President Jacob Zuma has publicly responded to the ANC national executive committee’s decision to recall him. 

In an interview with the SABC on Wednesday afternoon, Zuma defended himself and said he was not defiant to the party, but instead, he disagreed that he should resign or be recalled as state president. 

Zuma said the issue of his resignation had been raised continuously since last year by some members who were now in power, whom, he said, were still agitating for his resignation.

Zuma said the ANC NEC had not given him any reasons for his recall. 

ANC secretary general Ace Magashule indicated on Tuesday that Zuma was being recalled not because he had done anything wrong, but because there was a new president of the ANC, Cyril Ramaphosa. 

Magashule on Tuesday said Ramaphosa would take over as state president. Zuma, who indicated he would not resign, was due to make a statement on Wednesday night. 

He said he would not resign.

“I need to be furnished on what it is I have done. No one has been able to provide on what it is that I have done,” said Zuma. 

Meanwhile, on social media, South Africans responded to Zuma’s comments with dismay. Some commentators, like Justice Malala, described the president as a “psychopath”.

The nation is in the grip of a psychopath. #ZumaIsGoneMad #ZumaResponds

— Justice Malala (@justicemalala) February 14, 2018

He isn’t wrong when he says there are no valid reasons... The ANC kept clapping and laughing through all the valid reasons to remove him and now they want to use those very reasons against him ... #ZumaResponds

— Kelly M (@Abo_Titiba) February 14, 2018

The non-chalance from Zuma is astounding: "Have I done something wrong? And if so, what is it that I've done? Nobody can give me answer..." #ZumaExit #ZumaResponds pic.twitter.com/eilK3Ps43b

— Maps Maponyane (@MapsMaponyane) February 14, 2018

“What have I done?” Well, Nxamalala, you LIED about the post at BRICS Bank. #ZumaSpeaks #ZumaResponds pic.twitter.com/FFdVkYODoE

— BigJay (@OdiDingoko) February 14, 2018

#ZumaResponds #ANCcaucus

Whats the difference on Resigning now and in 3months time? Zuma must stop wasting our time pic.twitter.com/baaNISS1f5

— APEX (@APEXworld_) February 14, 2018

#CountryDuty #ZumaResponds

Zuma says HE WILL NOT RESIGN pic.twitter.com/lThToQGaxB

— Tumi Sole (@tumisole) February 14, 2018

#ZumaResponds Says this interview has been helpful. Yes, it has helped us understand his extent of his narcism and his delusional mentality.

— Elinor Sisulu (@ElinorSisulu) February 14, 2018

Did Zuma “persuade” Pravin Gordhan, Derek Hanekom, Nhlanhla Nene on why they must be reshuffled or be fired. Or why he fired them?

He asks what have I done wrong? But Mr Zuma, what did they do wrong for you to fire them. #ZumaResponds

— Vusi Thembekwayo (@VusiThembekwayo) February 14, 2018

I told y'all not underestimate Jacob Zuma, Jacob Zuma is a living legend. He's not going down alone. #ZumaSpeaks #ZumaResponds pic.twitter.com/0nUPhozajB

— Man's Not Barry Roux (@AdvBarryRoux) February 14, 2018

He isn’t wrong when he says there are no valid reasons... The ANC kept clapping and laughing through all the valid reasons to remove him and now they want to use those very reasons against him ... #ZumaResponds

— Kelly M (@Abo_Titiba) February 14, 2018


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