A new collaboration puts informal settlements on the map

Informal settlement. Picture: Michael Walker Independent Newspapers

Informal settlement. Picture: Michael Walker Independent Newspapers

Published Nov 14, 2023


A collaboration between PlanAct and Google Earth has introduced “Plus Codes”, which are digital addresses that offer a near-instant solution for households in informal settlements, to make easy access for emergency services and transportation route mapping.

Mike Makwela, senior programme co-ordinator of NGO PlanAct, said PlanAct was founded in 1985 to assist communities in advocating for alternative development plans during the apartheid era.

Over the years, the organisation expanded its mission to support and mobilise community processes that enhance good governance at a local level, ultimately improving living conditions and reducing poverty in communities.

Addressing issues in informal settlements, he explained that they chose to initiate this project because of the challenges that rapid urbanisation in South Africa presents.

“This influx of people – often youth – seeking economic opportunities in cities has resulted in growing informal settlements. Because they grow organically, there is a disconnect between demand and supply for essential services. In some cases, land earmarked for other developments is occupied, further complicating the challenge.

“The problem lies in the fact that informal settlements are often excluded from city-wide planning. Which, amongst other things, means no physical addresses and little or no access to vital city services. Emergency services, including police, fire brigades, and ambulances, rely on GPS, and the lack of a physical address can lead to critical delays in reaching emergency scenes. This in Plan Act recognised the need for a comprehensive addressing system in well-established informal settlements. We partnered with Google Earth to harness the power of technology to integrate these communities and introduced what we call Plus Codes – digital addresses.”

How do they go about

It starts with inclusive mapping. Community members, who know the locations intimately, participate by mapping their settlements, marking landmarks, and creating communal spaces.

Community volunteers are then trained to use the Address Maker application, addressing different types of structures within the settlements.

Social employment opportunities

“It’s important to remember that PlanAct and its partners provide much-needed work opportunities for community members,” said Makwela. “Now, as one of the Social Employment Fund’s (SEF) strategic implementation partners, we are training 24 participants from the Tjovitjo informal settlement in Ennerdale South, Johannesburg, in Geographic Information System (GIS) skills. This is to generate plus codes for their residential areas.”

Learning skills

Besides learning these important technical skills, the 24 participants will also develop interpersonal skills like communication and negotiation. And of course, as is sorely needed, they will earn an income through a stipend from SEF.

Make informal settlements safer

Makwela further said: “The outcome of this project is nothing short of transformative. Informal settlements are being digitally integrated into the larger urban landscape, enabling residents to access goods and services online, which can be delivered to their Plus Codes. In addition to emergency services, e-hailing and online deliveries can now take place, which includes the delivery of textbooks and academic material for students studying remotely.

“Digital addresses also help promote safety: children and other vulnerable residents can be dropped off at the entrance to their homes, and, in the case of domestic and gender-based violence, police can process more cases by having accurate residential addresses.

“This newfound access eliminates various challenges, from transportation issues to improved safety. Things many of us take for granted.”

The big picture

“The technology already exists, as does the labour force, so the same approach can be taken in any geographical location. The community mapping and application of the address boards are both easily,” said Makwela.

The Star
