ActionSA election ad ignites the ‘South African Dream’

ActionSA launched its election advert yesterday. Party leader, Herman Mashaba says the ad highlights the inadequate state the country is in, but promises a successful economy in order to make the ‘South African Dream’ a reality. Picture: ActionSA (Facebook).

ActionSA launched its election advert yesterday. Party leader, Herman Mashaba says the ad highlights the inadequate state the country is in, but promises a successful economy in order to make the ‘South African Dream’ a reality. Picture: ActionSA (Facebook).

Published May 21, 2024


ActionSA unveiled its election advertisement on Monday on various social media platforms.

The advert shows ActionSA making the “South African Dream” a reality. However, it also depicts a state of juxtaposition in the country, highlighting the economic divide between the poor and elitists, young people robbed of economic opportunities and a housing backlog in poverty stricken areas.

In the advert, ActionSA’s candidate for member of parliament, Malebo Kobe, tells the public that the neon-green party pledges an inclusive government, with ethical leadership, job opportunities, a safe country with efficient security and economic empowerment for businesses, especially small businesses.

“We believe in an inclusive and prosperous future for South Africa. A country led by ethical leaders, where economic empowerment is not limited to tenderpreneurs and businesses flourish, creating millions of jobs for South Africans. A country where families feel safe, knowing that when violent criminals go to jail, life means life,” says Kobe in the advert.

ActionSA leader Herman Mashaba said the advertisement held the governing party accountable for failed patriotism, and unethical leadership.

“When I unveiled our South African Dream on the 06th of February 2023, I spoke of how in 1994, we had great expectations for what the country would achieve but were let down by a corrupt and evil ruling party, which served its own interests ahead of our people.

“This, as the political establishment failed to keep the ruling party accountable and fought each other instead,” said Mashaba.

He added that ActionSA was a ray of hope, the new dawn for South Africans, which planned to serve the citizens with ethical leadership and bring forth long-term solutions for a flourishing economy.

He added that his party advocated for border control and illegal foreigners, including denying inmates parole for violent crime.

“ActionSA is the only political party in South Africa which does not pander to the ruling party, but is able to speak boldly against those found guilty of crime and corruption.

“We are the only political party which is strong on border control, while seeking to make it easier for people who want to come here legally to enter the country.”

Mashaba said ActionSA was the only political party which will abolish parole for serious crimes such as rape, murder and drug distribution, and ensure that life in prison meant life.

“However, for these solutions to be implemented it will require that voters reject the failed politics of the political establishment and take action to vote for an alternative that puts the people of South Africa first.

“It is only through taking action that we can bring about democratic change in South Africa. Because, only Action will fix South Africa,” said Mashaba.

The Star