AHF South Africa promotes the use of condoms for more enjoyable sexual experiences

Many women fall pregnant without planning, sometimes through inconsistent or incorrect condom use.

Many women fall pregnant without planning, sometimes through inconsistent or incorrect condom use.

Published Feb 15, 2024


The AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) South Africa in Gauteng has emphasised the use of condoms in fostering safer and more pleasurable sexual experiences after marking International Condom Day on February 13.

This crucial subject on the use of condoms comes after the Gauteng Department of Health (GDoH) reported an increase in HIV infections and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) across the province, further issuing a stern warning against risky sexual behaviour.

The foundation is spearheading a creative push to re-frame the debate around condom use, emphasising its critical role in safeguarding one’s sexual health, under the hashtag #saferissexy.

It is also organising a high-level round-table discussion to promote public understanding and participation regarding the importance of condom use.

Bringing together a wide range of stakeholders, such as representatives from the Department of Education and Health, civil society organisations, parents, and community members, this meeting will provide a forum for thought-provoking discussion and develop into a report that can be put into practice.

This report will serve as the cornerstone for a symposium on comprehensive sexual education as a national dialogue.

The conversation will cover a wide range of topics, including condom accessibility and availability, proper and consistent use, and its vital function as a triple preventive approach against HIV, STIs, and unintended pregnancies.

To implement this initiative, it is reported that the condom distribution with the AHF team and community healthcare workers will be in Diepsloot on February 16, with a distribution target of 115 200.

Speaking about the importance of condoms, Dr Kate Ssamula, country programme director at AHF, said: “Condoms are not just a form of protection; they are an express embodiment of respect, responsibility, and love. They remain an indispensable tool in the fight against HIV/AIDS and STIs, saving countless lives and shaping a healthier future for generations to come.”

From grassroots community settings to policy corridors, the foundation is committed to igniting debates that go beyond policy limits and inspire people to adopt safe sexual behaviours.

Moreover, Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) is a crucial sub-theme that provides hope for addressing the intertwined problems of teenage pregnancy and HIV transmission among South Africa’s youth.

AHF South Africa seeks to challenge taboos, cultivate a culture of awareness, and promote sexual health as a crucial aspect of overall youth well-being by addressing obstacles to condom access and uptake.

The Star
