End the year 2022 on a magical high note

Mentalist Larry Soffer's mentalism act includes feats of mind reading, metal bending, thought prediction, telekinesis and so much more. Pic: Eric Uys

Mentalist Larry Soffer's mentalism act includes feats of mind reading, metal bending, thought prediction, telekinesis and so much more. Pic: Eric Uys

Published Dec 30, 2022


Johannesburg - After spending the past 12 months circumnavigating the post-pandemic new normal, for many this festive season is a chance to enjoy a well-deserved break.

A time to step away from school runs, Zoom meetings and the mundane stresses of everyday life, and instead kick back, relax and make merry with friends and family.

Yet for many, the festive season can also be the most stressful. Mentalist, illusionists and magician Larry Soffer shares some valuable tips to help boost your festive cheer, keep some of the magic alive and find memorable ways to believe in the impossible.

Make memories with loved ones

The best part of this time of year is the weather is bright and warm in sunny South Africa. Spending time with family, especially those we don’t see very often, is a wonderful way to experience the magic of this time.

Lists are your best friend

Having lots of things to do can be really overwhelming, and the very thought of a mountain of tasks can scare people off from doing them.

"To prevent this from happening, I stop, take a breather, and then make a list of everything, no matter how big or small, that needs to be done. Once it’s all down on a piece of paper, it doesn’t look as daunting. You can then break up tasks, so you only do a few a day, or put them in order from most urgent to less. This is especially good if you are putting off your entire list because of just one task. I love setting a timer for, say, ten minutes at a time and seeing how many things I can tick off in this time," says Soffer.

Treat yourself, not just others

This is the best time to reflect on the past year and prepare for the next one.

"I find that people tend to be more forgiving and accepting during the holidays, not just of others but of themselves too."

We want to believe in the goodness of others and let the joy within shine through. We become more generous, helping the homeless or less fortunate, and we even treat ourselves better, which is great. When buying end-of-year treats and gifts, remember to indulge in something for yourself too.

It is okay to feel tired

Just don’t let the fatigue control you. Acknowledge how you feel, but remember to put things into perspective. Yes, you’re bound to feel exhausted, but also note that this is the holiday season, and you have a great opportunity to relax and unwind with loved ones.

The Star

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