Gauteng Bosa premier candidate champions vocational and technical skills for young people in townships

Premier candidate for Build One South Africa Bosa in Gauteng Nobuntu Hlazo-Webster. Picture: Timothy Bernard / Independent Newspapers.

Premier candidate for Build One South Africa Bosa in Gauteng Nobuntu Hlazo-Webster. Picture: Timothy Bernard / Independent Newspapers.

Published Apr 4, 2024


Build One South Africa (Bosa) announced its Gauteng premier candidate, Nobuntu Hlazo-Webster for the upcoming elections in Soweto, on April 02.

Although the party, led by Mmusi Maimane, is a rookie in the political game of thrones, it stands on ethical ground and anti-corruption.

The Star spoke to the party’s premier candidate; she boldly emphasised that her ethical leadership and adhering to the rule of law, is what sets her apart from other candidates.

“Bosa adheres to the rule of law. No one is above the law, and all people who live in South Africa are subject to the law,” said Hlazo-Webster.

As the province’s major cities, Johannesburg and Tshwane are infested with undocumented foreigners, and some of these people run spaza shops that sell expired food, she condemned illegal migration and the government’s failure to address the issue. “We believe every person who enters SA must do so legally, per say the legal channels. However, we must never allow the scapegoating of all foreigners for the failures of this government,” she said.

Hlazo-Webster said unemployment is rife in Gauteng as it is the economic hub, therefore, if elected as premier, she promises developing vocational skills of young people and job creation, specifically in townships. She plans for townships in the province to generate income and be economic hubs.

“We will break the back of unemployment in this province by creating a provincial Jobs and a Justice Fund, by declaring every township a special economic zone, and by radically upskilling individuals to become employable in new and existing sectors,” she said.

For a successful economy, Hlazo-Webster stated that developing townships’ infrastructure is imperative to generate income, henceforth, the Jobs and Justice Fund will fund the fixation and development of townships’ poor infrastructure, for tourist attraction and investment from the public and private sector.

“The Jobs and Justice Fund will pool all job creating funds and streamline them to invest in the township economy and wholescale skills development. It will oversee investment into public infrastructure and services, including roads, transport, energy, internet; and water and sanitation to make townships attractive for investment,” she said.

Hlazo-Webster furthermore said: “I will push for Gauteng townships to be special economic zones in terms of the Special Economic Zone Act 16 of 2014. This fosters job creation through tax breaks, employment incentives and streamlined regulation. It will also help direct public and private funding to entrepreneurs, who wish to establish businesses in townships.”

Many of these benefits will also be extended to larger businesses with established branches, manufacturing facilities and warehouses in townships.

Hlazo-Wester explained vocational and technical skills are imperative in securing jobs, job creation and competing with first world countries, such as China that sits on the throne of countries with world competing skills.

“The missing puzzle piece is the skills needed. Our country lacks behind other developing countries in the level of skills. The World Economic Forum’s competitiveness report puts us at 141 globally in terms of global ranking skills,” she said.

She also emphasised that young South African people hold the potential to compete globally.

Thus, as premier her main concern will be funding Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges, where relevant specialisation vocational qualifications will be granted to students.

“Jobs and Justice Fund will inject R5 billion to entrepreneurs, who graduated from certificate programmes, TVET diplomas to start manufacturing and service facilities in townships,” said Hlazo-Webster.

The Star