IFP says Eskom’s downward spiral has only accelerated under Gordhan’s watch

Cape Town 20-7-2022 Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan has asked trade union Solidarity for help in fixing Eskom. .Picture: Chris Collingridge.

Cape Town 20-7-2022 Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan has asked trade union Solidarity for help in fixing Eskom. .Picture: Chris Collingridge.

Published Dec 15, 2022


Johannesburg – The IFP has noted the resignation, announced yesterday, of Eskom Group chief executive, André de Ruyter, saying the party had been looking for major changes.

"We have long been calling for drastic changes at the beleaguered power utility and, among others, went on record in September to state that based on Eskom’s pitiful track record, there is no confidence in the Eskom Board, executive, or CEO.

"Those currently at the helm of Eskom are not fit for purpose."

Minister Pravin Gordhan had also lost the IFP’s vote of confidence, as Eskom’s downward spiral has only accelerated under his watch, it said.

"As we have suggested before, Eskom – and other failing SOEs –should be removed from the Department of Public Enterprises’ portfolio and allocated to their line-function departments.

“In Eskom’s case, this would mean a shift to the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy, where there is institutional knowledge and expertise concerning the energy sector.

“We further repeat our call for a new leadership collective with fresh energy and the relevant engineering skills, knowledge, and expertise, as well as much-needed consequence management. If there are no results, there must be consequences."

The IFP says the country cannot be allowed to languish in the dark as the economy crumbles while Eskom’s executive management is given opportunity after opportunity and the SOE bailout after bailout without any tangible improvements to the ever-worsening energy crisis.

"De Ruyter’s replacement will have to hit the ground running to bring about the turnaround South Africa so desperately needs."

The IFP also called on the government to remove the red tape and any other impediments that might hamper independent power producers’ (IPPs’) ability to supplement the existing power grid and provide short-term relief while the long-term solutions are rolled out.

The Star

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