Rise Mzansi to participate in the National Dialogue

Leader of Rise Mzanzi Songezo Zibi. Picture: Oupa Mokoena / Independent Newspapers

Leader of Rise Mzanzi Songezo Zibi. Picture: Oupa Mokoena / Independent Newspapers

Published Jun 11, 2024


Rise Mzansi says it will take part in the national dialogue to constitute a new government to avert a “constitutional crisis” in the country.

Party spokesperson, Gugu Ndima, said it would do so purely to advance the interests of the people, adding that Rise Mzansi would consult with a number of political parties.

Ndima said the National Leadership Collective (NLC) of Rise Mzansi had extensively discussed the ANC’s proposal to form a Government of National Unity (GNU).

“RISE Mzansi encourages all political parties to approach the next seven days with maturity and seriousness, and to place the interests of South Africans above all else.

“Failure to elect a Speaker of the National Assembly and a President within the constitutionally mandated 14 days may become an unprecedented crisis. This must be avoided,” she said.

Party leader, Songezo Zibi, said in the interest of ensuring constitutional, democratic and social stability, the first sitting of the National Assembly should result in the election of a Speaker, Deputy Speaker and President.

Zibi appealed to political parties and their leaders to take stock of “the seriousness of the moment” that the electorate had placed in their hands.

RISE Mzansi will not put forward a candidate for President in the National Assembly, he said: “These individuals must be committed to, upholding the Constitution and the rule of law.

“Protecting the constitutionally-guaranteed independence of key institutions so they may serve the South African people without fear or favour and also ensuring that critical public services are not interrupted or undermined.”

RISE Mzansi said it had made its mark by being elected into Parliament and the Gauteng Provincial Legislature, within just over a year of its formation.

The first sitting of the National Assembly is expected to be held at 10am on Friday, according to a statement released by the Office of Chief Justice Raymond Zondo.

Section 51(1) of the Constitution empowers the Chief Justice to call the first sitting of the National Assembly after national elections.

Judges-President in the provinces have been designated by the Chief Justice to, “determine the first sittings of the Provincial Legislatures in their respective provinces”.

The sitting of the National Assembly and the NCOP will be held at the Cape Town International Convention Centre.

The Star
