Media conditioned people to view Trump as devil incarnate yet 71 million people voted for him

The mass media painted US president Donald Trump as everything from being unstable to being a Nazi nonetheless, 71 million Americans voted for him, says the writer. Picture: Reuters

The mass media painted US president Donald Trump as everything from being unstable to being a Nazi nonetheless, 71 million Americans voted for him, says the writer. Picture: Reuters

Published Nov 17, 2020


By Dr Duncan Du Bois

It is sad, but nonetheless sobering, to observe the extent to which “big tech” and the mass media have conditioned the minds of millions to view Donald Trump as the devil incarnate.

From the day of his inauguration in January 2017, the establishment, mass media, Ivy League academia, the Democratic Party and its cohorts went into top gear to demonise and denigrate Trump.

First, they launched the Mueller Commission of Inquiry into alleged Russian influence in Trump’s election. The findings exonerated Trump. Impeachment proceedings were then instituted on unimpeachable charges, which also failed. The prospect of a second Trump term ramped up the determination of the Left and the establishment to resort to every means to prevent that.

Covid-19 played conveniently into their hands as they plumped for mailed-in voting despite warnings of its vulnerability to exploitation. Predictably, caches of mailed-in ballots, mysteriously all for Biden, have surfaced since the November 3, 8pm deadline. Big tech’s Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook threw in more than $100 million to beef up Democrat votes in marginal areas.

The mass media painted Trump as everything from being unstable to being a Nazi. Nonetheless, 71 million Americans voted for him. The unfounded, vitriolic epithets amount to nothing more than bad cases of TDS – Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Trump kept all the promises he made in 2016, an achievement no other president has matched. His economic reforms and tax cuts produced the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years. He produced a Middle East peace solution that Democrat former Secretary of State John Kerry said was impossible. He engaged with the North Korean dictator which no previous president managed to do.

Above all, Trump outraged the globalists by putting America first. He promoted law and order, American history, heritage and traditional values. He achieved more than any president since Franklin D Roosevelt while Biden has nothing comparable to show for his 47 years in politics.

The Star

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