Reckless student behaviour increasing Covid-19 cases on campuses

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Published Oct 28, 2020


By Professor Ahmed Bawa

We, as public universities, have joined together to curb Covid-19-risky student behaviour on campuses.

The board of directors of Universities South Africa (USAf) has noted with grave concern reports of reckless student behaviour on campuses since South Africa relaxed the national lockdown to levels 2 and 1, respectively.

Noting that Covid-19 remains alive and active in this country, as evidenced by over 1 000 new cases being reported daily, nationally, the vice-chancellors of all 26 public universities have cautioned students at their institutions to keep this in mind in their day-to-day behaviour on campuses and in residences.

At the last ordinary (and virtual) sitting for 2020 last week, the USAf board noted with utmost concern reports of students mingling recklessly; throwing parties within residences and visiting night clubs with not much regard for the safety protocols that their institutions had put in place.

In addition to the standards of behaviour adopted by all public universities at the onset of Covid-19 in March, institutions set additional safety protocols and communicated them widely as they welcomed students back on campuses recently.

Following the meeting last week, fresh reports of rising numbers of the virus infections in students on the East London campuses of the University of Fort Hare and Walter Sisulu University in the Eastern Cape have heightened fears in the USAf Board that students are not heeding the call to uphold the safety protocols widely communicated across the system. The two institutions have confirmed that on October 3, 10 and 17, some of their students attended parties hosted in clubs and taverns in East London’s Quigney neighbourhood.

Some students have confirmed there was non-compliance with Covid-19 health and safety protocols during the events, which were attended by as many as 300 people.

It is no surprise, therefore, that within a week of those incidents, Fort Hare recorded 33 cases, mostly among the nursing science students.

Later, that number increased by 26, this time including students from law and management and commerce faculties. Furthermore, additional other institutions were forced to activate quarantine facilities when students developed symptoms of Covid-19.

The vice-chancellors of all 26 public universities take this in a serious light. The Fort Hare and Walter Sisulu cases have since confirmed a real threat of new Covid-19 outbreaks starting in university residences.

The USAf Board expressed concern that students heading home for a midterm break, shortly, could transfer the virus to unsuspecting family members in their own communities.

Since August, universities have been re-admitting controlled student numbers on campuses.

While the initial attempt was to enable specific categories of students to catch up with learning, some universities have shifted to a 100% return of students, albeit with serious safety concerns when social distancing cannot be guaranteed.

USAf has since engaged the Department of Higher Education and Training on the matter, and further guidelines are awaited in this regard.

Meanwhile, scientists have been predicting a second wave that might break out nationally from February/ March 2021.

Professor Ahmed Bawa is chief executive officer and a member of Universities South Africa.

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