Teachers work hard and deserve to be paid even when schools are closed during lockdown

Teachers work hard and deserve to be paid even when schools are closed during lockdown, says the writer. Photo: Matthew Jordann. Photo: Matthew Jordann

Teachers work hard and deserve to be paid even when schools are closed during lockdown, says the writer. Photo: Matthew Jordann. Photo: Matthew Jordann

Published Jul 28, 2020


By Vijay Surujpa

The controversy emanating out of Covid-19 is whether schools need to close until after the peak.

Questions have been posed to the unions by Minister of Basic Education Angie Motshekga as to reasons why teachers need to be paid while the virus is rampant.

Fundamentally, teachers need to be remunerated. Teaching is a profession where educators have no option but to continue their work at home. It is naive to think a teacher’s day finishes early.

The teacher performs a multitude of roles including, but not limited to, being a nurse, social worker, a mediator, a problem-solver and caregiver. Unlike any other profession, the job of an educator does not terminate when they leave school. Marking, setting examination papers and other administrative tasks are taken home to complete. Do you see a policeman taking a criminal home or a nurse taking a patient home?

This is why teachers must get paid. No technology can replace an educator in front of the classroom. Teachers standing in front of the classroom and delivering lessons are the backbone of the education system all around the world. However, because of circumstances beyond their control like Covid-19, this ideal becomes elusive at times.

Vindictive criticism of an educator is like criticising a farmer with your mouth stuffed with food.

Constructive criticism is healthy but always ponder the fact that if it was not for your educator you would not be reading this article and formulating an opinion right now.

Vijay Surujpa is a reader Phoenix, KZN.