Divine vision through music

Kerolin Govender

Kerolin Govender

Published Mar 12, 2022


LIFESTYLE - LA LUCIA-based musician Kerolin Govender will soon release his latest devotional album, Drishti – Divine Vision.

Govender said the selection of songs was meant to remind people of the universal thread that connected everyone.

“This is the vision we have to becoming and experiencing the best parts of ourselves.”

He added: “The album shares how we envision or perceive our lives through the eyes of God, allowing us to reconnect to the familiar nature of goodness and Godliness.

“The album has a unique selection of Hindi, Sanskrit, Tamil and Telugu devotional and meditative songs, set in a traditional and contemporary style with some of South Africa’s finest musicians on accompaniment: Rajive Mohan, Ashley Kisten and Oumesh Inderparsad.”

Govender was inspired to release this album during the Covid-19 pandemic.

“The pandemic is a time for many of us to introspect and reflect on our lives and the lifestyles we lead, taking into consideration all the factors of exploring the greatness of our being.

“I believe this moment is a deeply spiritually connecting time for many to connect to their true purpose and to start living the lives we wish to lead, where happiness is the focus and love is the essence.”

Govender said his experience through the pandemic had been a soul-fulfilling one where he had created the opportunity for collaborating with many artists on various virtual platforms.

He is the creative director of Jivanmukta music, an artistic platform aimed at sharing with people the experience of traditional and contemporary Spirit Indian art, music, dance, drama and poetry with a unique South African flavour.

“To mention a few of the collaborations, I have worked with poet and storyteller Dr Gcina Mhlope, traditional African vocalist Zawadi Yamungu, Kathak dancer Manesh Maharaj, visual artist Vishal Mothilall, poet Irene Munthree and Bharata Natyam dancer Kriyakshia Govender.

“I’m currently working on many other projects and I have recently been exploring the YouTube world where much of my artistic content is shared. These collaborative projects have impacted a major part of my journey, where parallel journeys experience a common feeling of love for the arts and humanity. Art is an expression of our thoughts and feelings and this alone can heal the hearts and minds of humanity.”

Govender will be live-streaming his official album launch on his YouTube challel on March 17.

* For more information, visit Govender’s website or email info@jivanmukta.org


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