Seven tips to ease the homework load for children and parents under pressure

Helping, not doing is essential for homework. Picture:

Helping, not doing is essential for homework. Picture:

Published Feb 28, 2022


Deloshni Lingham

LET’S chat about the dreaded homework problem.

It’s only February and I’m seeing more and more parents and children already feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and frustrated with the homework load.

My heart goes out to the kids - it’s a lot of pressure on them and on us parents too.

I wanted to share some useful tips towards hopefully helping to make a difference in the day-to-day grind.

I think most importantly we must remember that children won’t learn if they don’t think for themselves and make their own mistakes.

Parents can make suggestions and help with directions but ultimately it’s a child's job to do their own homework and to learn.

Here are tips:

1. Homework is part of the learning experience for kids so it’s crucial that kids do their own homework. A parent’s role in homework is to support and encourage learning, not to do the homework.

2. Try creating a homework-friendly work area for your kids, sufficient lighting, necessary stationery, water, etc.

3. Keep to a regular homework schedule - set a specific homework time with breaks and some movement to help with their attention spans.

4. Help them at the start of the homework session to plan what needs to be done, etc. This is your opportunity to teach some valuable organisation skills that will benefit them long term.

5. Keep distractions to a minimum: no TV, no phones etc.

6. Be a motivator and a monitor - encourage and praise kids for their work and their efforts and make sure they are on the right track.

7. To start up a healthy homework routine, try implementing a reward chart: keep it simple - if they do all their homework from Monday to Friday they can do something fun on the weekend. Keep the reward chart in view so they know what they are working towards.

* Lingham holds a BA Honours Degree in Psychology and is a Certified Authority Life and Kids Coach. She specialises in kids coaching with a special interest in achieving high academic performance through her online kids wellness programs, including homework solutions. For more information, email


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