Education department amends matric exams scheduled for Diwali

Dante Rameshlall, Odaisha Pillay and Mikayla Joseph at tuition in preparation for final exams.

Dante Rameshlall, Odaisha Pillay and Mikayla Joseph at tuition in preparation for final exams.

Published Sep 29, 2024


THE Department of Education has amended the matric timetable, so that exams will not be written on Diwali day on October 31.

“There will be no exams written on Diwali. We have confirmation that the matric exam timetable has been amended accordingly,” said Ashwin Trikamjee, president of the South African Hindu Maha Sabha.

Muzi Mahlambi, spokesperson for the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Education, said subsequent to the release of the exam timetable, the department was informed that certain religious observances were not considered or incorrectly accommodated on the timetable.

“The department apologises for this error,” he added.

The timetable was amended to accommodate Diwali.

Vee Gani, from the KZN Parents

Association, commended the department and welcomed their decision to suspend the National Senior Certificate (NSC) exams for the Hindu celebration.

He advised parents to support their children by making the necessary sacrifices, while still enjoying the Diwali celebrations.

“Pupils and parents have to make the sacrifice as this is a crucial year. Matric determines the rest of a child’s life. Parents must ensure that pupils are not distracted by the celebrations. It is a small sacrifice but the reward would be much greater,” Gani added.

On Friday, November 1, matric pupils are scheduled to write maths paper 1, maths literacy paper 1, technical maths paper 1, religion studies paper 1, and sport and exercise science.

Meanwhile, as the final stretch for the NSC matric exams approaches on October 21, pupils are intensifying their study efforts.

Pupils spoke to the POST about their final push and if they planned to celebrate the festival of lights.

Dante Rameshlall, 18, of Kingsway High School, said: “I have been going over a lot of past year matric papers and I work from a study timetable. The most stressful thing is that there is a lot of work to get through, especially when it is so close to the end.”

To relax and to not feel overwhelmed, he takes regular breaks.

“I also use YouTube to understand concepts or I look at study guides.”

His course includes engineering, graphics and design (EGD); physics; pure maths and business studies.

“I want to study supply chain and logistics in Joburg or Cape Town.”

As a Hindu, he said he was glad he did not have to write an exam on Diwali day.

“I will get to light fireworks and eat with my family but I know I will still have to study on that day. I think Diwali should be made a public holiday.”

Odaisha Pillay, 17, also from Kingsway High School, said: “I am going over study guides and past year papers to help prepare for the finals. I’m stressed about not doing well and not making my parents proud but I am going to give it my all.”

She said she also watched tutorials online and learnt to better manage her time.

“My advice to other pupils is to study as much as you can and don’t leave anything to the last minute.”

Her course subjects include, pure maths, physical science, life science and EGD.

“I hope to get above 60% in my subjects, especially in life science and physical science, as I want to study pharmacy at UKZN or Rhodes University.”

She will spend Diwali day with her family.

“We celebrate Diwali. My parents are on leave and we usually feed the poor on this day. While I am happy there is no exam, I know I will have to make the time to study.”

Priyen Govindan,

17, of Kingsway High School, said other than going over past year papers, his tutor Keagan Nayager helped him, especially with maths.

“If I am really stuck on something, even after watching a study video on YouTube, I would ask Keagan for help.”

His course subjects include physical science, life science, pure maths and EGD.

“I want to study at UKZN. My first choice is civil engineering but if I don’t get accepted, I’ll do something related, like graphic designing.”

He will also spend Diwali day with his family. “I’m not sure how much I will celebrate because I will still have to study for my next paper.”

Exams will end on November 28.