Stars: Avoid self-sabotaging by holding negative doubts, fears and experiences

Michelle Aurets

Michelle Aurets

Published May 17, 2024


ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

Alone time in nature reconnects your soul. You receive answers to what you are seeking on what you want and need to do next. Quiet meditative time-out answers all you need to know. Trust the information flowing directly from within. An illuminated path has positive direction. Magic number: 1

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

You turned the corner, heading into positive brighter adventures. Avoid self-sabotaging by holding negative doubts, fears and experiences. Pack your suitcase with love and lessons learned. Shake off the past, step out and look ahead. Past troubles are over. Magic number: 9

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

Follow your intuition. You are not imagining anything. Trust. Listen carefully and follow through with kind action. Receive the guidance requested without doubt. Release fears surrounding moving forward. Life changes as it must. Go with this. Magic number: 6

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

Help is here as requested. Open yourself to receiving without doubt. Step aside enjoying new guidance following Heaven’s direction. Rest to restore energy. Be assured you are supported with all you need at this time. Magic number: 8

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

Synchronicity is high. Be-aware of events unfolding around you, giving you greater perception, easing life’s flow. Be aware of Heaven sent signs, acknowledging synchronicities as meant to be. Practice makes perfect. Magic number: 10

VIRGO (August 23 - September 22)

Trust the process to unfold abundantly. All will be revealed in time. Continue onward believing the work will pay off. The opening night is here; acknowledge not being privy to backstage work. Just believe that the show will be a success. Magic number: 12

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

Your thoughts are powerful. Keep them positively intentional. Release negative focus avoiding self-sabotage. As negative thoughts arise, replace them with positive; attracting positivity into all of your life. Practice affirmations to help you remain positive. Magic number: 2

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

A play-day date is overdue. Balance work with playtime, engaging with friends. Be cautioned against burn-out physically, emotionally, and mentally. Physical connection with friend/s infuses the soul with loving healing. Creativity will be sparked supporting your responsibilities. Magic number: 3

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

Change is inevitable and for the best. Stand firm knowing all changes shift you into a prosperous place while helping you let go of the old. You qualified to take advantage of new opportunities, moving into greater adventures meant for you. Magic number: 11

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

New partnerships arrive, supporting you on deeper spiritual levels. Relax; enjoy unfolding processes rather than rushing the experience. Receive without worry as this partnership is divinely intended bringing beliefs and truths that resonate deeply. Magic number: 4

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

Take time-out to enjoy a healing retreat. Reframe your conversation moving from guilt and harsh words to understanding, loving words. There is nothing wrong with holding yourself to high standards. However, replace criticisms and regrets with loving acceptance. Magic number: 5

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

Accepting and receiving with grace gives others the opportunity to give. Be guilt-free and unapologetic to enjoy the pleasures, gifts and help. Restore your balance by taking, so you can give more in return experiencing the powerful energy of healing for self and others. Magic number: 7

Michelle Aurets is a healer, psychic medium, intuitive mentor, masseuse and regression therapist. She also teaches meditation and breath work. She is passionate about holistic care and offers a small range of holistic products. Aurets practises in the Upper Highway, KZN. Find her on 1920. Contact her at 079 356 4657 or

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