What happens after dark

A lion climbing a tree.

A lion climbing a tree.

Published Aug 28, 2015


Polokwane - After taking your first conscious breath of the day as you wake up in the bush (and consequently smiling), the next conscious thought is more than likely “coffee”.

Straight after that, you point your nose to the ground and investigate the evidence left behind by the creatures of the night.

This is the way things go for the guides at Africa on Foot. Mornings in the Klaserie have a pungent smell of possibility, and a definite air of enchantment.

The chances are, you’ll go to bed with as wide a smile as you woke up, and you will have discovered and unearthed and absorbed a world of wonders only the bush can offer. Day after day, the tracks left on the sun burnt sand are examined and scrutinised for their meaning.

What occurs in the dead of night reveals the secrets of the wild, exposing the truth about what moves around while you sleep. At Africa on Foot, where wildlife is most welcome, guides have become accustomed to dodging the elephant dung, cleaning up after honey badgers, and ushering wandering antelope out of the lounge. Carrying a torch at night is a necessity, and keeping your ears pricked is advised, because there is certainly a motley gang of nocturnal visitors to look out for.

After battling curiosity, the guides set up a series of camera traps in strategic spots throughout the camp. We would call it cheating, but curiosity got the best of us too!

The evidence shows that Africa on Foot is a hive of activity during the hours of darkness, and it is no wonder the guides are trained in the art of honey-badger-prevention.

Take a look at this footage incriminating no less than seven species marking their territory between the kitchen, the bar and the guest bedrooms. And right at the end, well, that’s why your days on safari end with such a smile.

For all reservation enquiries, please contact Sun Destinations by telephone on +27(0)21 421 8433 or email: reservations@sundestinations.co.za

Adapted from a press release for IOL

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