What is #Jab4Tourism and how can you get involved?

WHATEVER your thoughts on the vaccine, one has to admit that it is a step in reopening travel. Picture: Pexels

WHATEVER your thoughts on the vaccine, one has to admit that it is a step in reopening travel. Picture: Pexels

Published Aug 26, 2021


When I took my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine last month, I snapped a selfie and a video of the experience.

I've seen many of my peers do the same and I wanted to show my support to the South African vaccination roll-out by sharing my experience.

Whatever your thoughts on the vaccine, one has to admit that it is a step in reopening travel after months of travel bans, restrictions, new Covid-19 variants and the spike in cases.

And, the tourism industry, one of the industries that took massive strain due to the pandemic, is rallying support for the #Jab4Tourism campaign. The campaign is a way for the industry to encourage vaccinations and speed up the process, which in turn helps travel fully resume.

So, how does one get involved? It is fairly easy.

All you need to do is take a picture with your vaccine card and send it to info@traveltosouthafrica.org or WhatsApp +27 60 996 1593.

You can also take a short selfie video that details what you look forward to once fully vaccinated.

And, if you are posting on social media, travellers are urged to use the #Jab4Tourism and #SouthAfricaisTravelReady hashtags.

Natalia Rosa, MD Big Ambitions, shared her thoughts on the campaign.

“We hope to flood our social media pages with #Jab4tourism images and videos so we can show South Africa that the tourism and travel industry is ready to get back to business and that they can help by doing their part and getting their #Jab4tourism.

"While we support freedom of choice, we have to show our travellers that South Africa is Travel Ready and that we take their safety and that of our staff seriously.

“If you’re sitting on the fence, don’t have the time or have loved ones and friends in that same space, our industry would be eternally grateful to you for getting your #jab4tourism and sharing it so that we can get back to business and save our summer season, with safety front of mind of course,” Rosa said.

Visit https://traveltosouthafrica.org/jab4tourism/