Horoscope: What your zodiac sign has in store this week (Aug 28 – Sep 3)

virgo star sign. Picture: Darkmoon_Art/Pixabay

virgo star sign. Picture: Darkmoon_Art/Pixabay

Published Aug 28, 2022


Aries (March 21 – April 20)

You’re probably feeling better Aries as there’s a noticeable increase in your “can-do” list. This could be some higher spiritual element creeping into the equation. Whatever’s happening, you’re tapping into something extraordinary. With good fortune on side as well, why not take a risk or two? Use all blessings to your advantage.

Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

Certain realisations can take time to dawn on us. The tell-tale signs often come in the form of a project or relationship that’s lost its appeal. The question is: are you really interested anymore? If you feel like letting your game drop, maybe it’s for a good reason. The planets encourage you to stop awhile and take stock. Clear your head, Taurus.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

With stress and uncertainty heaving you here, there and everywhere, you’ve a right to feel confused. One minute you’re up, the next … down. If doubt invades your confidence, remember your very unique talents and strengths. Unleash all that amazing creativity. You may even stumble across a new hobby or career path.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Someone simply doesn’t understand your thoughts or actions this week and they may even go out of their way to hold you back. Best advice: never allow others to smother your dreams. You knew what you wanted long before they arrived on the scene. If this individual truly loves and respects you, they will support you through thick and thin.

Leo (July 23 – August 23)

Now, here’s a better week – as others seem more prepared to grant your requests. By now you’ve probably accumulated a very long wish list, so gently start hinting at what you want. They say that there’s a time and a place for everything. For you, it’s now. There’s also focus on rebuilding friendships.

Virgo (August 24 – September 22)

Think twice before saying anything in the heat of the moment, or you may regret it. Yes, these are difficult times, but remember we’re all in this together. It’s at home that you’re particularly restless. Virgos who manage to get out and relax regularly fare better. It’s the home-bound that are having a particularly hard time.

Libra (September 23 – October 23)

One particular project rules this week. Librans seek broader horizons through knowledge or meditation. Ideas become more intense as your spiritual and intellectual awareness deepens. Others will recognise these special talents. In turn, their assistance boosts your more recent slump in confidence or cash flow.

Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)

Not all negotiations proceed smoothly this week – particularly if you’re pushed into overload. If challenged, try not to exaggerate the situation or facts as the naked truth has a way of stripping down lies. You’re not being targeted, Scorpio. Troubles can happen to anyone, and invariably do. Step cautiously.

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)

Here’s a delightful week, when social life and friendships are likely to thrive. You actively seek like-minded souls, and they’re magnetically drawn to you. In matters of the heart, carnally charged couples embrace deeper passions. Singles, too, are encouraged to give their boldest fantasies free reign. Lust at first sight, perhaps?

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)

For a while now, many Capricorns have suffered uncertainty. But the universe never asks us to cope with situations we’re not ready for. So when this week brings you to a crisis point, you’ll be surprised at how well you handle the situation – with confidence, and very little anxiety. Be proud.

Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)

If you can command some sort of respect in this self-serving world, you’re not doing too badly. This week, many Aquarians fare better than most. Perhaps it’s because you’ve finally sorted your thoughts into coherent order. Suddenly, it all makes sense. After the 30th, look out for new ways to increase your income.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Sometimes Piscean vulnerability puts your trust in situations that aren’t reliable. You did not ask to be hurt, but hurt you were. At some point, you must forgive those who have caused you pain. If the time’s not yet right, don’t force anything. Be gentle with yourself. A meditative solo walk in nature could be just what you need.